GOLDEN ENVIRO LLC is a materials handling contractor specializing in moving sediment and sludge from areas of difficult
access, especially when confronting strict environmental concerns. Rapid response teams are available to transfer or process
waste materials or recovery of values from ponds, lagoons, rivers or waterways. Strong experience in marine environments
means GOLDEN is especially capable of recovering materials spilled into streams, rivers or waterways.
Removal and transport
of wet or dry bulk materials to stockpile, temporary holding area or our transport trucks for off-site disposal is what we do.
Suction dredging, specialty pumping systems, vacuum transfer, light excavation and hoisting/ lifting equipment are used to
move bulk commodities such as sediment, sludge, grain, coal, ore, powders and general freight.
We also have extensive
experience in processing of waste materials for disposal or beneficial reuse. Dewatering technologies for wet and slurried
materials for volume reduction save on transportation and tipping fees. We also have strong expertise in agronomic application
GOLDEN'S personnel are fully trained to respond quickly and effectively to all varieties of situations encountered. We provide
in-house engineering design of systems, while our operations staff performs the work to provide the customer with a
single source contractor.
Experience, continual training and hard work are the foundation of the success of GOLDEN ENVIRO.
The highest standard - THE GOLD STANDARD - of excellence have been set for service, safety, performance and customer
satisfaction. Expertise in our field means project completion within budget, utilizing environmentally sound practices and cost
effective, creative solutions.